You are not alone


We get it


It is about you.

We hear you.

At BR Counselling Care we provide relaxed and relational support, specialising in:

✻ Autism Spectrum Disorders Counselling and Consultancy

✻ Christian Prophetic Ministry , Christian Ministry and Counselling

Autism Spectrum Disorders Counselling & Consulting

We provide counselling services to carers, partners, couples and families living with and experiencing ASD in their lives. We also offer professional ASD consulting services to organisations, agencies and churches.

Christian Ministry, Counselling and Personal Prophetic Words

We offer Christian counselling for individuals, couples and families as well as Prayer Counselling (Elijah House). Betty is available to speak at your church service or event.


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C. A. R. E


Welcome…I’m Betty

I am so glad that you are here and I hope and pray that by visiting us you will begin to feel supported and understood in your journey





We are not your usual therapists…


We get it

We want you to know we are not your usual therapist.

We are Christians who are not religious but have a focus on building God's Kingdom.

​The bible underpins all our therapy and ministry.  When you work with us we pray for you every day. If you are of a different faith we will respect that.

We believe that having a therapist ‘who gets it’ is so much more valuable than academic learning alone. Don’t get us wrong we have the knowledge also to back up our experience - learn more about us

We have  50 years of lived experience!

You are not alone in this journey


It is all about you

Here at BR Counselling Care, we are all about you because there was a time in our lives when we wanted it to be all about us, we needed help, and it wasn’t there for us. No one  ‘got it. No one got the fact that we had a need to be heard.

We had to walk alone. But you won’t

Our passion is to walk alongside you in a holistic manner, as every part of who we are is affected when we have a problem, our body (physical), our soul (mind will and emotions), and our spirit.  You will not be alone as you take this journey.

As wives, mothers, carers, as well as therapists, we understand your need for someone to ‘get it when you talk to them. We have walked along the same paths, felt the despair, the loneliness, lack of understanding and isolation, even to the point of feeling we cannot go on any longer.

A hope for the future


Our hope for you

Our goal is to see you regain hope for your future, and restoration for whom you were created to be and may have lost through circumstances of your journey through life and empowerment to move forward.

If you have read this far, then we congratulate you! You are thinking of making a choice for your own restoration and empowerment, which is not an easy decision, but we are here to walk alongside you, to encourage you to get there, to use the tools we have been gifted with by God as well as our experience and training, to bring healing and wholeness to your life.

Everyone deserves to be heard!

Please, take a chance, step out, book a free inquiry call to see if we are whom you are looking for to walk alongside you, out of the life stage you are in and into your new future.

Warmly  Betty 🌺

“I have known Betty for a short time but was immediately struck by her wisdom, strength, and boldness for truth-telling… She is a voice for the voiceless , and has strong arms for battle. She is truly a formidable force to be reckoned with, but all wrapped up in a bundle of loveliness, kindness and genuine concern for those whom she advocates for. If you need someone on your side, pick Betty”.

JS - Client


BR Counselling Care’s Services

  • ASD Counselling

    Counselling to help you understand the person you care for who is neurodiverse. Whether your partner , family or child so that you can move forward with YOUR life at the same time.

  • ASD Consulting

    BR Counselling Care provides custom designed consulting services for your organisation or workplace so that you can learn to harness strengths, special interests and increase inclusivity.

  • Christian Counselling.

    Christian counselling to support you to understand your circumstances as you travel this life with God. We offer you individual, premarital, marriage counselling as well as Holy Spirit led Prayer Counselling

  • Church Speaking & Training

    Custom designed speaking and training services for your church so that you can learn to understand neurodiversity in your congregation harness strengths, special interests and increase inclusivity

  • Personal Prophetic Ministry

    Spirit led personal prophetic ministry for individuals, families, couples, businesses, leaders and churches. We need to hear what God is saying to His people.

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Open the door

to healing today

book your free 15 min inquiry call

 Are you an existing client with us already?